Sunday, 1 November 2015

CIB Sunday - Rockman DASH Hagane no Bokenshin (PSP)

CIBsunday is a hashtag used on Twitter for "complete in box" - every Sunday, video game fans from around the world post pictures of a game that include the box art, manual and the game it's self. I've been joining in for quite a while now, and have decided to share these on my blog as well. Plus, it's a great excuse to show what games I recently bought from my trip to Japan.

This weeks game is Rockman Dash Hagane no Bokenshin (known as Mega Man Legends), which had a PSP release only in Japan.

I've always been a huge fan of the child like character designs for Rock Man Dash. Easily my favourite from the Mega Man franchise. What do you think?

Attack of the Servbots!

Quite possibly my favourite UMD art. Gotta love those monkeys!

Do you like the idea of me posting CIB's on my blog? If so, then I hope it's something that you'll check out every Sunday from now on!